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Looking to sell your Freestyle Libre Sensor? Unlike test strips, this item does not expire! However, its condition affects the payout. Carefully inspect and securely package your reader before shipping to ensure the highest value.
At teststriplogistic.com we follow strict grading standards. Even minor cosmetic defects can impact pricing, so double-check your item before sending.
Grading Categories:
✅ Mint – Perfect condition, no visible dents, scratches, or creases.
✅ Dinged – Minor dents, small creases, or tiny scratches. ($3 deduction for dinged test strips & Libre sensors, $10 for Dexcom, Medtronic, and Omnipod.)
✅ Damaged – Large creases, multiple tears, ink marks, stains, or discoloration.
Keep your reader in great condition to maximize your payout! Sell today and get paid fast! 🚀